WebReserv User Guide

Registering for an account

Registering for an account

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Registering for an account

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You will need a username and password for your WebReserv account. If you do not have a username and password already, you will need to request one.


For businesses located in the Americas, Asia and Africa, go to http://www.webreserv.com/start


For businesses located in the European Union, go to http://www.webreserv.eu/start


When you apply for a WebReserv account, you will receive two emails. The first email is a confirmation that your account request was submitted. Once your request has been approved, you will receive a second email with your login information.


Logging in to WebReserv


To access your WebReserv administration account, go to the WebReserv website, and click Login in the upper, right-hand corner.




At the Login page, enter your username and your password. The username is the same as your email address.