Template keywords
Use the following keywords when customizing printable forms and emails.
Business Location Information |
#locationname |
Name |
#locationaddress1 |
Address line 1 |
#locationaddress2 |
Address line 2 |
#locationcity |
City |
#locationcityarea |
City area |
#locationcountry |
Country |
#locationemail |
Email Address |
#locationwebsite |
Location website address |
#locationcitystatezip |
City, State (if applicable) and zip/postal code |
Customer |
#customerfirstname |
First name |
#customerlastname |
Last name |
#customerfullname |
First name + last name |
#customercompanyname |
Company name |
#customeraddress1 |
Address line 1 |
#customeraddress2 |
Address line 2 |
#customercity |
City |
#customerstate |
State |
#customerzip |
Zip (postal code) |
#customercitystatezip |
City, State (if applicable) and zip/postal code |
#customercountry |
Country |
#customerphone |
Phone |
#customeremail |
Rates & Payments |
#ratedetails |
All rate details (rate, extras, total, balance) |
#baserateamount |
Base rate (rate for actual time). |
#rateadjustmentamount |
Rate adjustment amount for minimum length/time |
#additionalchargesamount |
Additional charges such as cleaning fee etc |
#customeroptionsamount |
Amount for options selected by the customer |
#subtotalamount |
Sub total amount |
#taxrate |
Tax rate in percent |
#taxamount |
Tax amount |
#totalamount |
Total amount |
#depositamount |
Amount to be paid at reservation time |
#paymentsamount |
Amount paid (all payments) |
#balanceafterdeposit |
Balance after deposit has been paid |
#balancedue |
Total amount minus all payments |
#currencycode |
Currency code, i.e. $ or Euro |
#creditcardnumber |
Last 4 digits of the creditcard number |
#depositinformation |
The deposit information text, taken from product setup. |
#transactionamount |
The transaction amount for partial or full payments |
#transactionresult |
The result of the transaction, such as OK or declined |
Product |
#productname |
Product name |
#productdescription |
The description of the product |
Reservation |
#discountcodes |
Discount codes, if applicable |
#enddate |
Reservation end date |
#enddatetime |
Reservation end date and time |
#endtime |
Reservation end time |
#noproducts |
Number of products |
#noadults |
Number of adults |
#nochildren |
Number of children |
#nopersons3 |
Number of persons for the 3rd person field |
#nopersons4 |
Number of persons for the 4th person field |
#startdate |
Reservation start date |
#starttime |
Reservation start time |
#startdatetime |
Reservation start date and time |
#reservationcode |
Reservation code |
#reservationdate |
Date of reservation |
#reservationdetails |
All reservation details (date, time, product, no persons) |
#reservationtime |
Time of reservation |
#reservationdatetime |
Date and time of reservation |
#reservationstatus |
Status of the reservation |
#reservationcomments |
Comments for the reservation |
#unitnames |
Name(s) for the selected units(s) (i.e. room/site/seat numbers) |
Misc. |
#barcodeimg |
Bar code |
#customfield[id] |
Custom field name and value. Example: #customfield1022 |
#customfieldname[id] |
Name of the custom field. Example: #customfieldname1022 |
#customfieldvalue[id] |
Value of the custom field. Example: #customfieldvalue1022 |
#entrycode |
Facility entry code (if enabled under setup) |
#termsandconditionsurl |
URL to the terms and conditions page |
#myreservationsurl |
URL to the "My Reservations" page |
Gift cards |
The following keywords are valid only in gift card templates. |
#giftcardrecipient |
The name of the person(s) the gift card is for |
#giftcardsender |
The name of person(s) giving the gift card |
#giftcardmessage |
The message to the recipient |
#giftcardname |
The name of the gift card |
#giftcarddescription |
The description of the gift card |
#giftcardvouchercode |
The unique gift card code |
#giftcardexpirationdate |
The gift card expiration date |
Agents |
The following keywords are valid if the booking agent feature is used. |
#agentcode |
The agent's |
#agentfirstname |
The first name of the booking agent |
#agentlastname |
The last name of the booking agent |
#agentfullname |
The full name of the booking agent |
#agentphonenumber |
The phone number of the booking agent |
#agentemailaddress |
The email address of the booking agent |
Users |
The following keywords are valid if the a user list is used. |
#userlistfirstname |
The first name of the user |
#userlistlastname |
The last name of the user |
#userlistfullname |
The full name of the user |
#userlistphonenumber |
The phone number of the user |
#userlistemailaddress |
The email address of the user |