WebReserv User Guide

Creating a new template

Creating a new template

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Creating a new template

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In addition to using the built-in email templates, you can define your own email templates for a more personalized touch. To create your own email templates, go to Setup - Email and select Add Template.


Email template list

Email template list


In the template editor you have the following options:


Template Type


Select the type of template you are creating




Enter a name for this template. The name is used when you later associate the email template with one or more product(s).




Enter the email subject in the subject line. The subject line can include one or more email keywords.




Enter the email body. You can either enter plain text or HTML encoded text. The body text can include one or more email keywords.



create new template


When you are done with your changes click save to save your changes.


After you have created a new email template, you must select the email template from the product setup.