Creating a Custom Field
You have a few options of the type of custom field you can create. Review the table below to learn about each option.
Custom Field |
Purpose |
Text |
This allows the business to gather additional information from your customers using a text box. Examples would be Business Name, Mobile Number, Pick up or Drop off location. |
Yes/No |
This field asks a yes/no question to the customer. |
List |
This field gives the customer a selection list of options to choose. This is a commonly used custom field for additional add-ons that you want to offer your customers such as special room packages or accessories for rentals. This option allows you to also add a cost associated with each choice. |
Information |
This field is for including additional information that can be included during the booking process such as Check in/Check out time. |
When creating custom fields, there are two main steps:
1. Setup of the Custom Field
2. Associating the Custom Field to your products (room/rental/tour).
See below on how to set up your custom fields. The next section, Using Custom Fields, will show you how to associate the custom field to your products.
Add a Custom Field
To add a new custom field, follow these steps:
▪ | Go to Setup - Custom Fields |
▪ | Click add new custom field |
▪ | Choose the type of custom field you want to create, click Continue. |
Edit a Custom Field
On the edit custom field screen, you have the following options. Please note that some options are only available when choosing certain types and are indicated below:
Name Enter a name for the custom field . The name will be shown on the booking calendar and in print-outs. If using the List custom field type, you have additional name options. See explanation below.
Selection Label - You can input another name that will show in the selection on the booking calendar. Otherwise, the name will display.
Rate Label - The default display is to show the name and the rate (price) in parentheses. You can adjust this here if you only want to name or the rate to show.
Description Enter a brief description for the custom field. The description is optional and if used it will appear as a link in the name. Customers can click on the link to see a description box.
Options This section is specific to the List custom field type. Here is where you will enter the different options for the customer to choose from. Enter one option per line. If an option has an added price, then enter the price in brackets next to the name. The first option will always be the default display option in the drop down menu on the booking calendar. If using this custom field as an add on feature that includes an extra charge, it is always best to have the first option as "No, thank you". This allows customers who do not want to include this add-on to opt out. See the Example - Adding a Spa Package.
Price is for This feature is specific to the List custom field type. If you have designated a price in the Options section, you can specify the price time period and if the price is for the reservation (regardless of the number of people) or if it's per person. If the price is the same regardless of the length of the reservation, set the time frame period to 0 days.
Tax Rate This feature is specific to the List and Yes/No custom field type. It you want to include a tax to the add-on custom field option, you can set it here. This supports instances where the tax on add-on items is different from the products being reserved.
Minimum and Maximum Length This option is specific to the Text custom field type. If used, it sets the minimum or maximum required number of characters.
Include in print-outs or customer emails Check these boxes to have this custom field included in print-outs such as print reservation or in email confirmations sent to customers.
Office Use only If you want this custom field to only show in the Frontdesk and not the booking calendar, check this box.
Display Group This section allow you to choose where on the booking calendar you want this custom field to display. Your options are:
▪ | Additional Requests - this will show the custom field on an additional Options page on the booking calendar. |
▪ | Date/Time - this choice will show the custom field below the booking calendar. |
▪ | Customer Information - this choice will show the custom field below the standard customer information fields such as name and address. |
Scope This setting allows you to set the custom field to be specific for each reservation item that is being booked. If the business accepts multi-product reservations this setting will allow the customer to select different options for each reservation item - if set to Specific.
Display Rule This is an optional field that can be used it you only want the custom field displayed if this rule is met, such as number of persons.
Note: To see examples of common custom field options, view the Custom Fields - Examples section of the help file. |
Now that you have created a custom field, the next step is to activate the field in your product list, so your customers will see the fields when making a booking. See the next section, Using Custom Fields, to learn how.
For more information. . .