WebReserv User Guide

Using Discount Codes

Using Discount Codes

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Using Discount Codes

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Customers that have a discount code, either a multi-use code such as a special rate for teachers or a single use code such a Groupon, will enter the discount code when making a reservation.  Once they pick their room/rental/tour, choose dates/times, and number of persons (if applicable), then in the rate details section of the shopping cart, they will have the opportunity to enter the code.  When they click Apply, the discount will be automatically taken.  If a customer enters any information that doesn't apply to the rules you set in the discount code setup, then they will receive a notification that the code is not valid.


Note:WebReserv will automatically show a discount code field in the payment section whenever one or more valid discount codes exist for the selected product or if you sell gift cards.  For setup of gift cards, see the Gift Cards section for more information.



Discount Code Usage


Note: Customers who want to use multiple codes within the same reservation can input the codes in the discount code field separated by commas.


For more information. . .


Setting up Discount Codes


Handling Groupon and other deal codes


Selling Gift Cards