WebReserv User Guide

Payment Processing

Payment Processing

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Payment Processing

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hmtoggle_arrow1Are we able to manage credit card transactions with the WebReserv system?


Yes! With the WebReserv Gold version, you can do either manual or automated transactions. With manual transactions, the system does not process the credit card transaction, but just holds on to the information and you can later process it with your own terminal or payment processing software.


With WebReserv Gold you can also integrate it to a compatible merchant account. In this case, payment processing happens automatically as part of the reservation process. You will need a compatible merchant account. To see a list of all certified providers and contact information, please go to:



hmtoggle_arrow1Is there is a way to store customer’s credit card information to a client's profile using WebReserv?


The ability to store the credit card on the customer profile and have them login is a feature that is supported in the WebReserv Enterprise version. Please contact us for more information.


hmtoggle_arrow1Is there a way to edit or delete a payment received?


Yes, can you add manual charges to a reservation and if you are using integrated credit card processing, you can charge the card on file.


hmtoggle_arrow1Do you allow your clients to use other payment gateways?  


We have certified Chase Paymentech, Authorize.net, and Quickbooks Merchant Services to work with WebReserv. It is possible to use other gateways and processors, however, if this requires development of a new payment interface there is a development charge for the interface.


For more information please see: Choosing a Merchant Account Provider


hmtoggle_arrow1When a walk-up customer arrives without pre-booking, can we still charge a credit card right there?


.Yes, if you are using WebReserv Gold, and you have the system set up for automatic credit card processing.


hmtoggle_arrow1I get an error while processing a refund with Authorize.net


A Possible answer to this error may have to do with your merchant account.  To process refunds with Authorize.net, your Authorize.net must be set up for "unlinked credits". If it's not, you will get an error while processing the refund.


hmtoggle_arrow1How do I refund a customer for their reservation?


You are able to refund a customer if the refund is within 14 days from the end time of the reservation. To make a refund to a reservation, follow these steps:


1.     Open the reservations from administration system

2.     Click "View/edit payment details"

3.     Click "Refund to card on file"

4.     Enter the refund amount in the amount field.


Note: You will see that the credit card and customer information fields are pre-populated.


hmtoggle_arrow1Is there an additional customer purchase fee charged to customers?




hmtoggle_arrow1I am using PayPal to process my transactions, and I noticed that there was a double sales tax added to a reservation.  How do I fix this?


WebReserv automatically calculates tax prior to payment, so you should deactivate tax on your PayPal account. Alternatively, you can deactivate it on WebReserv and activate it on PayPal.


hmtoggle_arrow1How do I add a PayPal option to my account?


To add a PayPal button to your account, log on to your account and go to Setup - Business Information - Payments. On this page, click the PayPal checkbox and enter the email address for your PayPal account in the PayPal email address field.