WebReserv User Guide



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Here is a common example of how a tour business would set up their rates.  Below you will find the set up examples for a Rate Category and Rate List.  In addition, you will see how to test your rates.


Rate Categories


The common rate set up for most tour businesses is daily rates per person.  In addition, tour companies typically charge a different rate for adults, children, and possibly seniors.  The system handles the rates by creating Rate Categories when the account is first set up.  Rate categories can be easily modified based on your specific business structure. See the Rate Categories section of the help file to learn how to edit or add a rate category.


In order to properly configure your rates for each person type (i.e. adults, children, seniors), you also need to set up the Person Categories.  Please see the Advanced Options - Categories section of this help file for proper configuration.


Sometimes, a tour company will offer a discounted rate for groups (i.e. 6-10 people).  The WebReserv system can handle group rates by creating a Group Pricing rate category.  This is an advanced feature and is only available for Gold account businesses and by request.  Please contact WebReserv Support to inquire.


Rate List


In the Rate List, you will see your tours listed in the Product column.  The Rate Is column will be per person (flat).  To understand each rate calculations, please see the Rate Calculations section of this help file.  Here you will enter the daily rate for each person category, i.e. adults, children, and seniors.  If a category doesn't apply to one ore more tour, then you should leave that field blank.  See example below.


Rate List - Tour Example

Rate List - Tour Example


Rate Tester


After you set up your rates in the Rate List, it is always important to test the rates to make sure they calculate as you expect.  In the example below, the City Tour was booked for 2 Adults, 2 Children, and 2 Seniors.


Rate Tester - Tour Example

Rate Tester - Tour Example


For more information. . .


Common Rate Configurations for Equipment Rentals


Common Rate Configurations for Tours